Have 8-10 kgs of various forms of Pu'er (cake, brick, tuo) stored in a
reasonably tight hardwood cabinet (it's not air-tight). No holes or gaps in
the cabinetry. The tea is wrapped in it's original paper wrapping and
Conditions inside are reasonably stable - but we do get the odd hot day here
in summer.
Anyway, I opened a 1990's cooked cake last night, one that had been opened
before, and I saw a minute bug, or mite. Very small - I'd say as an estimate
in size, say 0.1mm - really tiny. I checked the rest of the cake as best I
could and could not see any others.
Is this normal ? If not, is there anything I can do about it?. Our house
is kept reasonably clean and we have hardwood floors - so no carpet for
things to breed in.
Would appreciate any insight.