Aphrodisiac foods?
"Doug Freyburger" schrieb :
> "Michael Kuettner" wrote:
> > "Doug Freyburger" schrieb :
>> > "Michael Kuettner" wrote:
>> >> Hard salami ? You'd be shot for this in Switzerland.
>> > Being wheat intolerant, bread dunkers are out for me so I tend to
>> > use brocolli florets and apple chunks.
>> Cook the brocolli in bouillon first. They're tastier then.
>Less crunchy as well. Great idea, thanks. I will try it next fondue.
>> Are you intolerant to all sorts of grain ? Otherwise, you could try
>> a rye-sourdough bread.
> In my case it is very specific to wheat including spelt. I can
> digest rye items as long as they are completely wheat free.
> Bread made from 100% rye is delicious but has the consistancy
> of a cinder block brick. It shatters if I try to put it on a fork. I
> can scoop the cheese melt onto it though.
Ah, I think I can help you there.
Rye rolls (ca 15 rolls)
500 grams rye flour
50 g sourdough
ca 3/16 litre warm water
10 g yeast
2 teaspoons salt
Sieve half of the flour in a bowl.
Mix sourdough with the water, then mix into the flour.
Mix in crumbled yeast.
Cover bowl and let the pre-dough rest over night in warm place.
Now sieve in the rest of the flour and add the salt.
(And any spices you might like in your bread).
Beat the dough until he starts to form bubbles.
Cut the dough in portions a 50 grams.
Form balls and flatten them slightly.
Let them rest for 15-20 minutes.
Heat oven to 200 deg Celsius.
Put rolls on a baking sheet (use baking paper or sprinkle with flower).
Baste them with water and sprinkle with flour.
Cut rolls once with knife.
Fill an ovenproof cup with water and put it on the bottom of the oven.
Put the baking sheet on the second rail from the bottom and the the rolls
bake for ca. 25 minutes.
>> > Rolling salami or pepperoni
>> > slices on the fork should be good as well.
>> <shudder> Sorry, that's my Europeanness ;-)
> The barbarian in me bows.
He - barbarians don't bow.
>> > I take it putting pepperoni on a pizza gets one shot in Italy?
>> No, drawn and quartered. Then hanged.
> Excellent. No triangular cut people then.
Yep. Looks neater that way.
>> >> How do you prepare cheese fondue ?
>> > Three types of cheese, some white wine. That's in the cheese
>> > course.
>> I was afraid to hear something like that.
> I don't keep Kirschwasser at home. With a name like "church
> water" the closest I have is mead. I've tried mead in a fondue.
> Waste of perfectly good mead unfortunately.
"Kirsche" means cherry. It's a cherry schnapps.
Grint nutmeg and white pepper should also be added.
The pot should be ceramic and rubbed with garlic.
I could go on ...
>> > I like an oil course for the meat also.
>> But there's no "oil course" in a cheese fondue.
>> Youse whacky USAns ...
> We have 3 fondue pots at home. One for the cheese course,
> one for the oil course, one for the chocolate course. Very
> whacky.
Yes, that's what I said ;-)
>> > Deep frying
>> > brocolli florets in the oil is wonderful.
>> Hint as above : Boil them in bouillon first (until they've just got "the
>> bite").
>> Then fry them. Works with cauliflower. too.
> Cauliflower does not work deep fried in oil. It is great with the
> cheese. Using broth should make it work either way. THNX!
If you want cauliflower deep-fried, bread the florets first.
Tastes good.
>> Brown champignons would also be rather good this way.
> Shitake work in cheese or oil. Oyster mushrooms work in oil
> but I think they are too delicate for cheese.
Shiitake are too expensive here, plus you only get them dried.
Michael Kuettner