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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,830
Default Silly Chicago-Bottled Water Tax

When I was a kid there were drinking fountains everywhere. Now
they're hard to find. Stores and restaurants want you to buy water.
I could order from a fast food place and get a glass of water. Now
they want to sell you a bottle. At best they want to charge you for a
cup. I see people on the bus, the train, in their cars, jogging,
shopping, and it seems everyone has a bottle of water!!!

Where do they think all the plastic is going?

Now the Chicago city idiots have seen a reason to tax these bottles.
$.05 a bottle. Rather that implement a better recycling program they
just want to make the extra 10.5 million per year in revenue. If they
made a deposit on them litter would be eliminated. But that would
make too much sense.

How does your state or country deal with this? Do you buy bottles of
water? Do you at least recycle them?

Here's an article from today's Chicago Tribune. Some silly stuff

Lou <----off the rant now