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Jack[_9_] Jack[_9_] is offline
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Default separation anxiety

In article >,
blake murphy > wrote:

> does your red tabasco sauce separate? i buy the small bottles, don't
> refrigerate them, and in a day's time two different bottles have had a
> thin clear layer of i presume vinegar on the bottom. i have no safety
> worries, just that i don't recall this happening before. maybe i just
> can't shake it like i used to.
> maybe i'll go to the web site and see if they'll try to mollify me
> with coupons or something.
> your pal,
> blake

Read the bottle - it says you're supposed to shake it up each time
before use (if you can't shake it like you used to, lay off the
extra-curricular activities with the hands ). Why refrigerate it?
Bottle doesn't say to, and have you ever seen it in a fridge in a bar?

Jack N2MPU
Proud NRA Life Member