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Gregory Morrow[_2_] Gregory Morrow[_2_] is offline
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Default Silly Chicago-Bottled Water Tax

Lou Decruss wrote:

> When I was a kid there were drinking fountains everywhere. *Now
> they're hard to find. *Stores and restaurants want you to buy water.
> I could order from a fast food place and get a glass of water. *Now
> they want to sell you a bottle. *At best they want to charge you for a
> cup. *I see people on the bus, the train, in their cars, jogging,
> shopping, and it seems everyone has a bottle of water!!! *
> Where do they think all the plastic is going?

On someone once said about the US penchant for
bottled water: "Americans can't go five feet without carrying a bottle
of water around, maybe they think it will cause them to lose


> Now the Chicago city idiots have seen a reason to tax these bottles.
> $.05 a bottle. *Rather that implement a better recycling program they
> just want to make the extra 10.5 million per year in revenue. *If they
> made a deposit on them litter would be eliminated. *But that would
> make too much sense. *
> How does your state or country deal with this? *Do you buy bottles of
> water? *Do you at least recycle them?
> Here's an article from today's Chicago Tribune. *Some silly stuff
> he
> Lou *<----off the rant now

Chicawgo's recycling program - as it is - SUCKS...

This city is SO poorly - run...

In any case I don't buy bottled water...

Greg in Chicago