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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Whats up wit Poppy seeds.???

On Fri 28 Dec 2007 11:04:48p, Wayne Boatwright told us...

> On Fri 28 Dec 2007 10:40:14p, clueluss husbund told us...
>> (Wayne*Boatwright)
>> On Fri 28 Dec 2007 06:37:58p, clueluss husbund told us...
>>](Pasture Timmy)
>>]Does any body here remenber from about
>>]40 years ago how good poppy seed rolls
>>]tasted an smelled up the kitchen???... but
>>]these little black thangs they sell as poppy seeds today are
>>](Wane said)
>>]Whole, unground poppy seeds have a
>>]very subtle aroma and taste. Every popyy
>>]seed roll recipe I've ever seen or used
>>]calls for ground poppy seed. This not only
>>]changes the texture, but really releases
>>]the aroma and flavor. I baked poppy seed and nut rolls for Christmas
>>]last year. Both were delicious.
>> (Pasture Timmy)
>> The poppy seeds on the rolls my mom used to bake was round an didnt
>> apear to be ground an they was strong smellin an strong tastin... an
>> the seeds i been gettin are round an not ground... but even so....
>> unless they are really really old?... i cant emagine they not havin ANY
>> poppy seed taste or smell... so if i can find out what good brand to
>> buy an whare to buy 'em mayb that will solve my prollem.!!!
>> So whare do you buy you'r ground poppy seeds an what is the
>> brand... an are they ground to a powder... or jus cracked.???
>> I had wondered if mayb the good poppy seeds ant allowed to be
>> imported anymor... but you an the other guy is gettin good seeds so i
>> guess that ant the prollem.!!!
>> A-Man.†††

> What you've bought may be old and stale. I have even bought poppy seed
> from stores that had a somewhat rancid smell to them.
> For the past several years I have ordered my poppy seeds whole from
> Penzey's and they are always fresh.
> I grind my own with a poppy seed mill.
> (scroll down the
> page)

Adding to my own post, the grinder is adjustable, so that you can merely
crack them or you can grind them very fine. I use them finely ground when
I make poppy seed rolls. The rolls I'm talking about are not dinner rolls,
but the ones where the dough is rolled out flat, spread with the poppy seed
filling, then rolled up like a jelly roll. The filling contains the ground
poppy seed, sugar, honey, milk, and sometimes I add a few white raisins.

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Friday, 12(XII)/28(XXVIII)/07(MMVII)
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