ChattyCathy wrote:
> Clay Irving wrote:
>> ...talking about eggs, I saw something for the first time today. I've had
>> them in soup before, but I never saw them in the market. This morning, I
>> was taking pictures in market in Thailand and saw "reng khai", literally
>> translated as "nest eggs", but they're really unborn eggs harvested from
>> a hen when it is butchered.
> Reminds me somehow of Balut, so I am not sure if I'd try it... I give my
> hens names <lol> so I always give them away when it's time for the
> pot... I know, silly of me...
Nah, nothing like Balut. No embryo, and not much of a shell yet,
either, IIRC.
When I was 12 I went with a friend to spend a weekend at her
grandparents' farm. We ate fresh eggs for breakfast then went to help
dig potatoes and pick green beans.
At lunch time we were told that our supper was running around over there
across the yard. I was appalled... I thought she meant *we* were going
to have to kill the chicken. But no, grandma went over, grabbed that
chicken and chopped off its head. She served it up for dinner that
night with the cooked, unlaid eggs along side.
I wimped out and declined my share of what everybody else seemed to
regard a a special treat. My friend just shrugged and said, "More for
me, then." The chicken was really good, though.