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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Silly Chicago-Bottled Water Tax

Lou Decruss wrote:

> You should see our tollway taxing system. They spent 250 million on a
> toll plaza to collect through i pass and tried to tell us how much
> easier it was going to make our lives. The jerk governor we have had
> 30+ signs at over 30 grand each with his name plastered all over them
> (free advertising) telling us how lucky we are, and to enjoy "open
> road tolling." And now we have a budget crisis. LOLOL Next they'll
> be taxing bottled air.
> Lou

We have the same issue in PA. Our big city liberal governor wants to
turn the major E-W Interstate (I-80) into a hugely bureaucratic more
expensive turnpike "to save money" because he can't figure out how to
have a balanced budget. He makes all sorts of silly claims such as 75%
of the traffic is out of state trucks but cleverly omits that all
trucking carriers must file apportioned fuel tax returns for the mileage
they run in each state.