Kathleen wrote:
> koko wrote:
>> I was in Lake Havasu City AZ to spend Christmas with daughter and
>> family. LHC has a new Mexican grocery store that we spent way too much
>> money and time in.
>> My Son In Law is a hot chocolate fan so I was thrilled when I saw this
>> hot chocolate pot, it even came with a molinillo (moh-lee-NEE-oh) it
>> makes the hot chocolate nice and frothy.
>> We had some great hot chocolate, especially later in the evening with
>> some Tequila Rose added to it.
>> http://i2.tinypic.com/89rb6g9.jpg
>> http://i12.tinypic.com/80ws09z.jpg
> I love Abuelita. My daughter's Spanish class was having a party and her
> contribution was Mexican hot chocolate. I asked my daughter if her
> classmates had enjoyed it and she said she thought so, given that most
> of them tore their cups in half to lick the dregs after they'd drained
> the contents.
"Abeulita" sounds like a diminutive of "grandmother". "Little
grandmother", if you will. If that's a name for hot chocolate, I wonder
if it got its name by being somehow associated with grandmothers -- as
in being something that grandma always made for you when you visited her.
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