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Dave Smith[_4_] Dave Smith[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 198
Default Silly Chicago-Bottled Water Tax

Lou Decruss wrote:
> >
> >I used to buy reverse osmosis water in big reusable jugs for drinking
> >because we are on a well and cistern and it can get a little funky. We now
> >have a distiller. I occasionally buy a few bottles so that I can refill
> >them and use them when I am out hiking or bicycling. On hot summer days I
> >freeze them so they are nice and cold when I need a drink. I never find a
> >small bottle of water to be very satisfying.
> >
> >I think that a tax on them is a good idea, and it should be more than 5
> >cents per bottle to discourage their use.

> If people are stupid enough to pay over a buck for a bottle I imagine
> they'd pay 2 bucks also. But that does nothing for the waste.

True enough. The water rate around here is about $1 per cubic meter... 260
US gallons, enough to fill about 3,000 12 oz bottles that sell for $1 a
piece. Not a bad profit margin even with the cost of filtering, bottling
and shipping. Never the less, that cubic metre of water is going to leave
3,000 empty bottles to be disposed of.
> >A refund system might be a better
> >idea.

> A much better idea.

Some people may be too lazy to take the bottles in for the refund but there
are lots of people around who will pick them up and take them in. I have
no problem picking up bottles when I am out walking or cycling. We now pay
deposits on wine and liquor bottles as well as beer. I have a set of
panniers on my bicycle. Riding in to town to go to the library I sometimes
pick up enough bottles to buy myself a coffee and the beer store is right
next to the coffee shop. Even with strict drinking and driving laws it is
amazing how many beer and liquor bottles you find alongside the road.