"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 06:18:30 GMT, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Sat 29 Dec 2007 11:07:10p, clueluss husbund told us...
>>> (Pasture Timmy)
>>> Below is a link to a pitcher of my hole wheet bread... its 8 1/4 inches
>>> tall an thats as big as my breadmaker will make.!!!
>>> http://cluelusshusbund.250free.com/C...WheetBread.jpg
>>> It has 4 1/4 cups flour an 1/4 cup of vital wheet gluten an 1 tbl spoon
>>> oil an 1 1/4 tsp yeast an 1 cup yogert an 1 tbl spoon honey an 1 tbl
>>> spoon molasses an 3/4 tsp salt an 1/4 cup walnuts plus enuff water to
>>> make a nice doe-ball... plus i somtines add seseme or caraway seeds or
>>> chopped onion or dill weed.!!!
>>> A-Man.???
>> It's a bigun alright! How did it taste?
> I only read the followups because I thought for sure this was
> going to be another scat photo. Thanks for being the guinea
> pig ;-)
When you're in the pasture you tend to step in a lot of manure!