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Karen in NC Karen in NC is offline
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Posts: 47
Default Crustless quiche type dish?

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
>I should know this, but I don't make things like this often,
> so I could use some advice.
> I want to make a quiche without a crust. I have the eggs,
> spinach, mushrooms, bacon, onion ... I just don't have or want
> to make a crust.
> Can I just do the usual routine, saute all the vegetables and
> bacon, incorporate them with the eggs and cream (and nutmeg
> and s&p) and bake it in a pie dish? Or is that idea fatally flawed.
> I want something I can put into the refrigerator for later, not an
> omelette I'd eat now.
> nancy

Nancy, I'm a diabetic quiche lover who has been making *only* crustless
quiches for several years. Follow whatever recipe you have for the filling;
just spray your pie pan/plate well with nonstick spray. I've never had a
problem with quiche filling sticking to the pan. If you're using a glass
pie plate, lower your oven temp 25°F. I run a knife around the edge before
slicing the finished product, just in case there's a spot the nonstick spray

You can also make crustless mini-quiches: Spray Pyrex dessert dishes with
nonstick spray and fill 2/3 full. Start checking for doneness at about 25
minutes. The quiches will easily come out of the dishes. I freeze them, as
they're great to have on hand for a quick breakfast or simple meal; just
thaw and reheat.
