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Boron Elgar[_1_] Boron Elgar[_1_] is offline
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Default Went to the deli to eat chopped liver on rye...

On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 12:31:05 -0500, margaret suran
> wrote:

>sf wrote:
>> Mmmm. I love your kind of chopped liver and I'm not even Jewish -
>> which may explain why I couldn't replicate it even though I gave it
>> the old goy try.

>This is a fairly traditional way to make chopped liver. However, do not
>add the extra 1/4 cup melted schmalz after mixing all the ingredients,
>unless you really need it and do NOT substitute even one drop of oil in
>this recipe.
>If you render the schmalz and have the griebens (Cracklings, Grammerln),
>you can chop them and add to the chopped liver or serve them with
>sauteed onions on top of each serving.
>The same recipe is great if you happen to have duck or goose livers.

That is pretty close to my mom's and my recipe. I don't measure
anything, but eyeball or taste.

When we were kids, we fought over the griebens.

My mother froze the fat and some skin from the chickens and when she
had what she considered to be enough, she'd render it and store it in
jars. She was always careful to wave us away from the stove when she
rendered schmalz, because she worried about it spattering.

In those days, I used to like a thin, thin spread of it on a salami
sandwich, or on a piece of matzo that was sprinkled with salt.
