"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> Howard Beale > wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> > I've never shopped at Kitchen Window before and I won't hesitate to
>> > go
>> > there again. And, heck, there's a Penzeys right there, too. Two
>> > birds,
>> > one stone.
>> I can't believe you of all people have never been there. It's a great
>> store. They were really good about me returning blenders until I
>> found one
>> that would actually make a pina colada without burning out the motor.
> I'm really pretty boring, Howard. :-)
> I love the Chef's Gallery in Stillwater. And I was at Cooks of Crocus
> Hill in Edina in July, shortly after Surly Table moved in two doors
> down. Williams-Sonoma is pricey, though I have bought cotton
> tablecloths and napkins from them -- I like the way they fade. :-)
> The Surly Table folks didn't impress me, though I loved their Seattle
> store (where I bought my Bigass cooking kettle/lobster cooker/jam
> kettle) eight years ago. The place in Waconia is interesting but
> further than I'm interested in traveling.
> I buy canning jars. I get them at Fleet Farm. Now, THAT'S a great
> place to shop. And I love the second floor at Zabar's in New York.
> Oh,
> yeah!
> (Hey, the Second Avenue Deli has re-opened -- somewhere else but still
> with that name. Midtown, I think.)
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> Notes about our meals in Tuscany have been posted to
> http://www.jamlady.eboard.com; 10-16-2007
I love fleet farm. You ought to see the new one in Rochester. Way
bigger than the new SuperTarget down the block.
If fleet farm doesn't have it you can get along without it. (except