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Mike[_2_] Mike[_2_] is offline
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Default separation anxiety

<sf> wrote in message ...
> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 12:03:42 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>>sf wrote:
>>> >Perhaps they sell more than everyone else, likely more than all others
>>> >put together...
>>> >
>>> >I would highly doubt that
>>> >
>>> > out selling the competion is the best indication of being the *best*.
>>> Yes, best seller.
>>> >
>>> >Nope. it isn't a good indication at all
>>> > Heck, isn't Budweiser the leading seller of swill in America? I
>>> > can
>>> >walk into any store anywhere and find a much better beer than
>>> >Budweiser.
>>> >
>>> That statement is your opinion and your opinion doesn't prove or
>>> disprove anything.
>>> >
>>> >I haven't bought a bottle of Tabasco in years. Maybe 7 or 8. and I
>>> >use
>>> >hot sauce almost every day
>>> >
>>> Which proves what? I can tell you what it proves to me: You use hot
>>> sauce almost daily.

>>I think that it is a decent example for his point that being the most
>>popular product does not make it the best. Tabasco sauce has product
>>recognition. For years, it was the only hot sauce available around here.
>>It remains popular, but we now have a lot more options. Beer and soft
>>drinks really heavily on advertising to sales. Wonder Bread has always
>>a big seller, but you would have a hard time convincing me and many others
>>that it is the best bread.

> "Best" is an opinion - not fact. Create industry standards to measure
> "best", then get back to me.

Wasnt it you that said it was best? The onus should be on you

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