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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] is offline
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Default Hot Chocolate kit ala Mexico

Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
> Kathleen wrote:
>> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>>> Kathleen wrote:
>>>> koko wrote:
>>>>> I was in Lake Havasu City AZ to spend Christmas with daughter and
>>>>> family. LHC has a new Mexican grocery store that we spent way too much
>>>>> money and time in. My Son In Law is a hot chocolate fan so I was
>>>>> thrilled when I saw this
>>>>> hot chocolate pot, it even came with a molinillo (moh-lee-NEE-oh) it
>>>>> makes the hot chocolate nice and frothy. We had some great hot
>>>>> chocolate, especially later in the evening with
>>>>> some Tequila Rose added to it.
>>>> I love Abuelita. My daughter's Spanish class was having a party and
>>>> her contribution was Mexican hot chocolate. I asked my daughter if
>>>> her classmates had enjoyed it and she said she thought so, given
>>>> that most of them tore their cups in half to lick the dregs after
>>>> they'd drained the contents.
>>> "Abeulita" sounds like a diminutive of "grandmother". "Little
>>> grandmother", if you will. If that's a name for hot chocolate, I wonder
>>> if it got its name by being somehow associated with grandmothers -- as
>>> in being something that grandma always made for you when you visited
>>> her.

>> It means "Little Grandma". There's even a little old lady on the
>> label. I can tell you, though, that my grandam never made hot
>> chocolate so good.
>> Add a shot of Gran Marnier and you've got something worthy of
>> confession on Sunday morning.

> Or a shot of cremed de cocoa or Godiva chocolate liquor. But i agree the
> Abulita is the best commercial chocolate drink i have found. Even with
> Nestle taking it over a few years back.
> --
> JL

I had to break myself of the habit of taking 1/8 of a cake of Abulita
and putting in a cup of hot coffee....i was going through too many boxes
of Abulita too quickly.

Of course when making the Abulita as a cup of hot chocolate i double the
amount the box recommends per cup.