Thread: Meyer Lemons
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Default Meyer Lemons

koko wrote:
> I bought some meyer lemons at Trader Joe's yesterday.

> koko
> ---
> updated 12/30

One of these days, I'll get to visit a Trader Joe's (sigh). Those
lemons sure look tempting.

In a local grocery store circular today, I saw a picture of 'moro
oranges' that reminded me of those I've seen on TV for blood oranges,
and they're about US$0.70 each (ouch!). Although. . . ., avocados
(varies $0.99-1.99) are typically more expensive than that - and I've
bought many an avocado - hey, I'm rationlizing here <g>! I'll give a
couple of those moro oranges a try when I visit the grocery store in the
next few days.

The moro oranges sort of remind me of grapefruit(?)! Well waddaya know,
GIMF! I just discovered that 'moro' oranges is one of three varieties
known as "blood" oranges!

I'm definitely gonna buy a two or three just to try, and maybe there'll
be some meyer lemons as well! I've always wondered about thes blood
oranges but have never seen (or noticed) them before in the land-locked
midwest US.

Sky, who's knocking on wood

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