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justen[_3_] justen[_3_] is offline
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Default Crustless quiche type dish?

Nancy Young wrote:
> Can I just do the usual routine, saute all the vegetables and
> bacon, incorporate them with the eggs and cream (and nutmeg
> and s&p) and bake it in a pie dish? Or is that idea fatally flawed.

This is what I made for breakfast for 3 this morning.
9 eggs and a cup of milk, salt, pepper, dash of hot sauce
1/2 a green, 1/2 a red, 1/2 a yellow bell pepper, diced
1/2 a diced onion
1/4 pound of diced mushrooms
1/4 pound of diced pastrami

Sauteed all the veggies and dumped them and the pastrami into the beaten
eggs, scrambled it all up, then poured it into a pyrex baking pan,
sprinkled some jack and cheddar cheese on top, then in the oven for 20
minutes at 425 degrees. Let cool for five minutes, then slice. We
served it with some simple tomato salsa on top, along side a bowl of
bananas and cantoulope mixed with vanilla yogurt.