Chicken Wings
On Dec 30, 8:17*pm, Melba's Jammin' >
> A few weeks ago I bought some frozen chicken wings on a BOGO at the
> local supermarket. Two-thirds of one bag became tonight's supper. *My
> goal was to sort of approximate the wings we get at nearby Hooter's. *It
> didn't quite work out that way, but the wings were enjoyed nonetheless.
> The commentary below relates to the pictures that are posted to
> in three separate posts. *I'm too lazy to rearrange
> the words for
chicken wings are so much fun, especially when you eat them with
people who don't care what you look like when you eat them. Hope you
know what I mean.
Remember Charliam's recipe on wings? That was a good one.
It was a baking method, simulating a frying method, iirc.