Make fun of this !!
<RJ> wrote:
> I was skimming a Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook ca 1962
> when I found a recipe suitable for "Mockery & Derision"
> "15 Minute Banquet"
> Cut Can of SPAM into 12 slices
> stud with cloves, brown in fry pan.
> Add 1 X 11oz can of yams, drained
> sprinkle with salt !
> Spoon 1/3 c pineapple jam over meat & yams
> Heat uncovered, basting often.
> Serves 4
> People really ate like that 40 years ago ?
> SPAM and a small can of yams to feed four ?
> Amazing !
> <rj>
In the small town where I lived (5,000 people), there was no McDonald's.
People cooked, they did not go out to eat. Maybe this was their "fast
food" option.
BTW, if you cooked this, I would try it.