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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default New Year's (food) Resolution(s)?

blake wrote on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 18:17:52 GMT:

??>> ChattyCathy wrote:
??>>> Here's mine:
??>>> 1. To eat more shrimp
??>>> 2. To eat less chocolate
??>>> 3. To force myself to eat cabbage - some people tell me I
??>>> don't know what I'm missing...
??>> To cut out my pre dinner ManhattanS and the canapés.
??>> Do you not eat cabbage at all. It was one of those things
??>> I would eat if it was served to me. We have been eating
??>> al it of red cabbage lately. My wife usually does it. She
??>> slices it very thin and then fries it in a bit of a
??>> butter, adds a bit of apple, a scratch of nutmeg and a bit
??>> of lemon juice. After sautéing it a bit she turns down the
??>> burner and puts a top on the pan. It is delicious.

bm> also strips in stir-fries, if you make them.

Most cabbage haters have been subjected to overcooked stuff,
IMHO. Cabbage does not need to be cooked at all. Shredded
cabbage makes some pretty good salads and Japanese Tonkatsu, for
example, is served on it. Strictly speaking, Tonkatsu is
deep-fried, battered pork but oven-fried chicken also works. One
salad that I like is Cabbage & Mushroom Salad (Insalata
Appetitosa, from Bologna)

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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