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aem aem is offline
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Default How long can I keep rice in my pantry?

On Jan 1, 7:45*am, wrote:
> I love Jasmine rice and would like to buy one of those enormous bags
> from Costco or something. *But it would probably take me a year or so
> to get through it. *Is that a problem? *Does anyone know how long I
> can store rice in an airtight container without something nasty
> happening to it?

If you love jasmine rice it won't take you a year to use a bag. I
believe Costco carries ten-pound bags. The notion of freezing raw
rice is absurd. It will keep in its bag with no problems for a year,
in an airtight (bugtight) container for even longer. I have no
experience with freezing and thawing raw rice (and neither do the
people who are telling you to do it) but I can imagine potential
problems with moisture changes induced by the freezing and thawing.
There's no reason whatsoever to undertake them. And if by some truly
weird chance your home is invaded by rice-seeking bugs eight months
from now, what will you have lost -- 40 cents worth of rice? -aem