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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Make fun of this !!

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> On Tue 01 Jan 2008 05:58:49p, George Shirley told us...

>> I can also tell that many of you aren't very old. If it hadn't been for
>> SPAM, a non-rationed meat, lots of folks would have been vegetarians
>> during WWII. Where do you think the Monty Python skit about "SPAM" came
>> from. The Brits ate so much of it they went a little wacky, so did a lot
>> of Americans in cities who couldn't get out to the country and scrounge
>> some decent meat. Hell, I still like SPAM on occasion.
>> George

> I was born in January, 1945, so was not really negatively affected by WWII.

I was born in 1947, but the memories, habits and effects of WWII didn't
just disappear in the summer of 1945. I'm sure at least part of the
reason we ate SPAM when I was a boy was the influence of WWII (and perhaps
also the Depression)...

> Both my parents' families at that time were farming people, so food
> wasn't really an issue for them. I'd guess that *this* - your farmer lineage - was a bigger factor in
your nonSPAMminess back then in the immediate shadow of WWII.

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