Make fun of this !!
Blinky the Shark > wrote:
>I was born in 1947, but the memories, habits and effects of WWII didn't
>just disappear in the summer of 1945. I'm sure at least part of the
>reason we ate SPAM when I was a boy was the influence of WWII (and perhaps
>also the Depression)...
I was born in 1955, but being a military brat and having lived
in Hawaii even, Spam was very familiar to me as a child. It still
tastes satisfying to me, which I'm sure is simply because of my
childhood association of Spam with protein and calories.
Off topic, I made gnocchi gorgonzola for my dinner guests the
other night. I used a real, aged, mountain cow's-milk gorgonzola
I picked up at the Cheese Board. It was excellent, I thought, but
a couple of guests found it just too damn strong, I think.
At other times, I've made gnocchi gorgonzola with Stilton.
I think I'll stick with that next time -- plenty of flavor
but less over-the-top.