Thread: Chewy fudge
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[email protected] is offline
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Default Chewy fudge

I would like to be able to make "chewy" fudge as commercial fudge
appears to be.

Using a basic fudge recipe I seem to be able to make "old fashioned"
fudge which is soft but not chewy. I don't have a sugar thermometer,
but seem to be getting a bit more reliable in noticing the soft ball
stage by manual, "cold water", means.

In this article from 2004 the poster says that fudge should not be
chewy, which is what happens if you put corn syrup in it. I quite like
the chewyness of some commercial fudge, and would like to be able to
reproduce it. But here in the UK it's quite hard to get corn syrup.
Would adding another sugar syrup such as Golden Syrup add the
chewyness. Must I obtain corn syrup? Or is there another solution? f16b8