Thread: Chewy fudge
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Miche[_3_] Miche[_3_] is offline
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Default Chewy fudge

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" > wrote:

> I would like to be able to make "chewy" fudge as commercial fudge
> appears to be.
> Using a basic fudge recipe I seem to be able to make "old fashioned"
> fudge which is soft but not chewy. I don't have a sugar thermometer,
> but seem to be getting a bit more reliable in noticing the soft ball
> stage by manual, "cold water", means.
> In this article from 2004 the poster says that fudge should not be
> chewy, which is what happens if you put corn syrup in it. I quite like
> the chewyness of some commercial fudge, and would like to be able to
> reproduce it. But here in the UK it's quite hard to get corn syrup.
> Would adding another sugar syrup such as Golden Syrup add the
> chewyness. Must I obtain corn syrup? Or is there another solution?

Golden syrup has a distinct flavour, which you may not want in the
fudge. Why not buy some and try it out?

Personally, I think chewiness is a bug, not a feature.


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