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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Default Silly Chicago-Bottled Water Tax

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 15:26:56 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> >
>> >I used to buy reverse osmosis water in big reusable jugs for drinking
>> >because we are on a well and cistern and it can get a little funky. We now
>> >have a distiller. I occasionally buy a few bottles so that I can refill
>> >them and use them when I am out hiking or bicycling. On hot summer days I
>> >freeze them so they are nice and cold when I need a drink. I never find a
>> >small bottle of water to be very satisfying.
>> >
>> >I think that a tax on them is a good idea, and it should be more than 5
>> >cents per bottle to discourage their use.

>> If people are stupid enough to pay over a buck for a bottle I imagine
>> they'd pay 2 bucks also. But that does nothing for the waste.

>True enough. The water rate around here is about $1 per cubic meter... 260
>US gallons, enough to fill about 3,000 12 oz bottles that sell for $1 a
>piece. Not a bad profit margin even with the cost of filtering, bottling
>and shipping. Never the less, that cubic metre of water is going to leave
>3,000 empty bottles to be disposed of.

Statistically 2,700 of them end up in a landfill

>> >A refund system might be a better
>> >idea.

>> A much better idea.

>Some people may be too lazy to take the bottles in for the refund but there
>are lots of people around who will pick them up and take them in.

If there was a $.25 deposit on them I'll bet the recycle stat would go
from 10% to at least 90%

> I have
>no problem picking up bottles when I am out walking or cycling. We now pay
>deposits on wine and liquor bottles as well as beer.

Nothing like that here in Chicago. I wish there was. <sigh>
