Chicken Wings
On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 02:43:33 -0500, Goomba38 >
>Karen wrote:
>> chicken wings are so much fun, especially when you eat them with
>> people who don't care what you look like when you eat them. Hope you
>> know what I mean.
>That is soooooooo not true! A couple of years ago while deployed with a
>group of fellow disaster workers we were at a bar eating wings. One
>chick with us made such a mess of herself (I'm talking sauce all over
>her cheeks, not just her lips and fingers!) that one of the guys took
>pictures of her. She was proud to have her picture taken. The girl has
>no idea that they're shown around like a joke and her eating style is
>still laughed about by all these men who probably never saw a girl eat
>so badly.
>This woman is very sweet and kind yet to watch her eat is very
>distasteful. She chews with her mouth open and talks with a mouthful.
>She smacks her lips and fingers then finishes the meal by throwing her
>napkin (cloth or paper, it doesn't matter!) onto her plate. Even while
>others are still eating.
>I avoid sitting across from her anymore. It puts me off my meal. ugh.
>Somehow during this chicken wing adventure the rest of us managed to not
>smear sauce over anything more than our lips...maybe not that even?
I've seen people stick a wing in their mouth, grip it with their
teeth, and pull it out. Those are the same pigs that do the same with
ribs. I've worked with people who eat just as you've described and I
try very hard not to eat with them. Don't get me going about men with
beards and mustaches. I want to hurl just thinking about it. I had
to change tables at a restaurant because I was facing some slob who
had mayo all over his beard and mustache.