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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Make fun of this !!

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Nancy2 > wrote:

> In our family, there were two parents and 4 kids. My mom would fix a
> total of 6 pork chops for a dinner, along with a starch, a vegetable,
> and a salad, all of which were equally a serving for one person (a
> pear half; 4 oz. of vegetables, etc.). Once or twice a week, we'd
> have dessert - pie, cookies, or whatever. We certainly were far from
> hungry.
> N.

Ah, the memories. I was into my 40s before I realized that some people
eat more than one pork chop at a meal. I damn near fell over when I
watched my neighbor prepare something like a dozen pork chops for one
meal for her family. Four for her husband, three for one son, two or
three for for the other, and one or two for her. Wow! I'm still amazed
whenever I think about it. Like you, everyone got one. Mom always
prepared potatoes for dinner along with another vegetable. I don't
remember salads except when lettuce was available in the summer. Oh,
there'd always be pickles on the table, too.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Notes about our meals in Tuscany have been posted to; 10-16-2007