Potato Soup and a Salad
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> I peeled and diced four spuds and
> cooked them until tender. I mashed them with a potato mashed and added
> a package of the frozen soup base and some chicken broth. I took the
> stick blender to it to puree it some, added about 1-1/2 cups diced
> leftover ham (OHMIGOD!!! It's been in the fridge for a WEEK! We're
> gonna DIE!), added some evaporated milk (didn't have any half and half
> in house), heated through and served it up. Garnished with a few
> sprinkles of Penzeys Sunny Paris seasoning and some black pepper. It
> was served hot and eaten hot.
> Dayam! It was tasty. I, uh, hard more than one bowl of it. ALL
> RIGHT!!! So I finished it off. Rob had a couple bowls, too.
That sounds perfect for the frigid weather we've been having.
I have a miserable cold and last night's dinner was macaroni and cheese
with (gasp) ham left over from the weekend before Christmas. (Nyah,
nyah, we're probably gonna die before you do.) I haven't been grocery
shopping since before Christmas due to our DC trip and the romaine was
throw-away nasty, so we had applesauce and a salad made from one
overripe pear, salvageable bits from an avocado that's been around
4ever, and gorgonzola with a blush wine dressing. Since I couldn't
taste anything, it was fine.
gloria p