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Default Microwave recommendation?

ScratchMonkey > wrote in message > ...
> I've got a microwave on my xmas list, for deployment in a relatively small
> kitchen. I'd like something with lots of volume, but that will probably eat
> a lot of counter space. (My current one is on top of the fridge, but I'm
> tall and I have a utility step to look in the window.) I'm considering
> getting one integrated into a range hood. There's a couple like that at
> Sears in the $250-400 range.
> So what do you think? What should I get?

If you're tall, you might consider very carefully what that combo
microwave/hood is going to do to your cooktop clearance. I'm 6'3", and
just did exactly the opposite -- ripped out the combo unit and
installed a very good quality range hood -- best thing I've ever done
for my kitchen, and much, much quieter than any combo I've seen.

I wish I could use your refrigerator top solution, but my 5'9" wife
wouldn't accept that.

The days of the fantastic quality Amana RadarRanges are long gone --
these days they're pretty much all alike if you only want basic
defrosting and heating capability. I just bought a throw-away 1 cf,
1100 watt unit and put it on a top corner of a work table.

-- Larry