To mayo or not to mayo
Although I dislike mayo on sandwiches, I do use Kewpie mayo when I make my
own spicy sauce for shrimp or tuna. I got the recipe from my old sushi-chef
on the East Coast, where a spicy tuna roll is often made with a Kewpie-based
sauce. I mix some Kewpie mayo ( it must be Kewpie because of its unique
taste) with some "Chili Garlic" hot sauce which contains garlic, and some
chopped chives. The "Chili Garlic" hot sauce is available in my local
supermarkets; it has a green plastic top on it and a drawing of a chicken on
the front of the bottle, and it is called "Chili Garlic Sauce".
I use this spicy sauce, mixed into some cut-up cooked shrimps and rice and
raw onions, or with some fresh high-quality raw tuna.
The sushi chefs here in Arizona never use this kind of sauce in anything,
and they shrink with horror if I ask them about using Kewpie mayo in their
Sam K.