In article >,
Dan_Musicant > wrote:
> Is it possible to find a nut chopper that will make easy work of cutting
> up my nuts into pieces so described?
Maybe you can rephrase that. . . .
> I usually make up around 2 quarts
> at once, and doing it by hand takes over 1/2 hour, and is rather
> tedious. Thanks for suggestions, recommendations, observations, etc.!
> Dan
My nickel's worth on this is that you get a comfortable stool and sit at
the table or counter and do it by hand while you have one eye on the
telly. I can't imagine a mechanical device (affordable to a home user)
that would do what you need. JMO).
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Notes about our meals in Tuscany have been posted to; 10-16-2007