Microwave recommendation?
"ScratchMonkey" > wrote in message
.. .
> I've got a microwave on my xmas list, for deployment in a relatively small
> kitchen. I'd like something with lots of volume, but that will probably
> a lot of counter space. (My current one is on top of the fridge, but I'm
> tall and I have a utility step to look in the window.) I'm considering
> getting one integrated into a range hood. There's a couple like that at
> Sears in the $250-400 range.
> So what do you think? What should I get?
> I don't see myself using the presets. I normally just dial in the time and
> power I want. The 5-speed fan on the range hood combo I looked at is nice,
> but I don't know that it's worth $100 more.
> If only I could find a unit with no clock. Yet another thing to set twice
> year.
The prices of Microwaves have come down so much - If you have a Costco near
by take a look at your choices before spending that kind of money.
AKA is the counter space really worth $150.00 to $300.00?