On Sun 06 Jan 2008 09:26:46p, Mark Thorson told us...
> Look at it he
> http://cgi.ebay.com/_W0QQitemZ120207314961
> If it weren't for the two spikes in the middle,
> I'd say it was a cheese slicer. It looks something
> like a curd knife (used to cut the curd into cubes
> during cheesemaking), but it's way too small for
> that.
> Could it be an unusual form of cake rake?
> If not, what are those spikes for?
i have one that belonged to my parents, exactly like that but with a green
handle. I always knew it as a cheese slicer. I can't remember ever using
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Sunday, 01(I)/06(VI)/08(MMVIII)
Cats must play 'Charge of the Light
Brigade' with the other cat in the
hallway at 3 am.