Thread: Dang it!
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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Dang it!

Kathi Jones wrote:
> (big snip)
>>> I am not sure what a redneck is.

>> Originally referred to backwood farmers whose necks were red because they
>> always had their heads down while hoeing crops and the backs of ther necks
>> were sunburned.
>> Have you ever seen the American comedian Jeff Foxworthy, he does "redneck"
>> humor. Nowadays redneck infers that that person is backwards and ignorant.
>> Not always true though. HTH
>> George

> I love Jeff Foxworthy! His redneck jokes are so funny. I too, on occasion
> have fallen in to his category of a redneck. That is to say, there have
> been times that if I cut the grass...I'd find a car......
> Anyway......I work at the grocery store where I shop, now. I started
> working there in August and I'm still getting to know everyone - there are
> allot of people working there! The problem is, there is a store policy that
> says something like, if it's garbage, it's garbage. I work at the fast food
> counter where we have 4 pots of soup out during the lunch hour. If the soup
> doesn't sell, it goes in to the garbage. No if's, and's, or but's!!! This
> amazes me and I don't understand the policy. Like...why not let me take it
> home? or why not let the local soup kitchen/homeless shelter come and get
> it? I suppose there's a reason - health inspections or regulations or
> whatever...but I don't agree with it. There is an INCREDIBLE amount of
> waste in the grocery business - so much food that could be salvaged, but
> isn't. It's a shame. And thus, the prices go up..............
> So I'm still trying to get to know the meat and produce guys anyway, just in
> case we can work something out....
> Kathi

Think LAWSUITS, the American public appears to be out to sue everyone
for everything.

For many years I was an industrial safety professional, and, the last
sixteen years, a self-employed safety consultant. When I worked for
the big oil companies I had agreements with them that, if sued, they
would indemnify me, ie, defend me in all lawsuits. When I went solo in
1991 I had to carry a $5,000,000.00 personal liability policy. I was
afraid I wouldn't be able to afford it but it wound up costing only
about $3K a year because so many people had to have the coverage and
that made a big pool.

Regardless, in 31 years of doing safety I was sued 288 times and none of
them ever won. Makes you wonder doesn't it. I can understand why the
store doesn't allow food to be taken home or given away. May not agree
with it but I do understand it.

Here in our local all the restaurants and supermarkets donate leftover
food to the places that feed hundreds of people daily, Abraham's Tent,
Salvation Army, Potter House, lots of places. I found out the recipients
have to sign waivers on lawsuits for most of them and, IIRC, the state
of Louisiana limits lawsuits against such donors.
