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viince viince is offline
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Posts: 102
Default Two questions about mixing and one about autolysing (all related)

I wouldn't recommend to do an autolyse when mixing by hand, because it
is really not easy to mix salt and yeast to a dough by hand.

The easiest way to mix by hand I would say is:

Mix all your ingredients just until it comes together. Then leave it
to rest for 5 minutes. Then mix it a bit more, then leave it to rest
for 10 minutes, then put on table and knead a bit (10 seconds) then
rest it for 15 minutes, then knead it for 15 seconds
I learnt this method when reading "The hand made loaf" by Dan Lepard.
When I say knead, it really means fold it over itself a few times. You
can lightly oil your table so it doesnt stick, if you are making a wet

Of course you don't have to follow this to the letter, but it's a good
way to start. Then you just get used to leaving resting periods
between kneading and do this naturally until your dough looks perfect.
It works the same as an autolyse. You give time for the flour to
absord the water. (or the water to hydrate the flour )

I personally think that if someone is sweating off kneading is bread,
that means he's doing something wrong I can't imagine how many
bread recipes say: "knead for 20minutes" and how many times I actually
did it. Such a fool I've been. I feel sad for all the people who still
do this So let's spread the word!

As for the mixer. I think unless you make LOTS of bread, it is a waste
of money to buy one. It is better to spend time perfectionning your
hand mixing, and be more in touch with the bread you are creating.
Machines are for commercial bakeries who make hundreds of kilos of
bread, or people who don't have the time to make it by hand.
(restaurants for example) But a home baker HAS the time, otherwise he
would be buying his bread init

HAppy baking!