Seafood Cracker Dip
Steve Pope's query about keeping crab reminded me of this dip that
I've been meaning to try. It *sounds* good, but you never know. We
have guinea pigs, I mean friends, coming over tonight (the 6 of us
are planning a trip down the Oregon Coast this summer), so although
I'll probably have to use canned, we'll test it:
Seafood Cracker Dip
6-7 oz. crabmeat, fresh or canned, drained
6-7 oz. tiny shrimp, fresh or canned, drained & deveined
1 8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
1 T. horseradish
Cream together cheese and horseradish; break up crab & shrimp
and add to mixture. Chill for at least 1/2 hour. Form into log or
ball shape, roll in chopped nuts or parsley. Serve with crackers.
Jani in WA