Nut chopper
On Jan 4, 3:45�pm, Dan_Musicant > wrote:
> I chop a lot of nuts, and have done so for many years, using a cutting
> board and a cleaver style sharp knife. I am wondering if I can find a
> nut chopper that will make this easier. I have a recipe that calls for 5
> kinds of nuts:
> Walnuts
> Pecans
> Almonds
> Hazelnuts
> Cashews
> I like the chopped nuts to be approximately the size if a hulled almond,
> chopped in half (not lengthwise). Thus, I have to chop all my almonds in
> half, my pecans in quarters, hazelnuts in half, etc. If you've ever
> tried to chop hazelnuts in half by hand, you know it isn't particularly
> easy. I buy cashew pieces, and lately I don't chop them further.
> Is it possible to find a nut chopper that will make easy work of cutting
> up my nuts into pieces so described? I usually make up around 2 quarts
> at once, and doing it by hand takes over 1/2 hour, and is rather
> tedious. Thanks for suggestions, recommendations, observations, etc.!
> Dan
I use my meat grinder for chopping nuts. For larger pieces I use a
plate with larger holes. But for what you describe, nut pieces with a
particular precise orinentation, short of robotic machinery there is
only one way, one at a time by hand with a knife.