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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Ping: Wayne - re septic tanks

On Sat 12 Jan 2008 02:03:59p, Andy <q> told us...

> Wayne Boatwright said...
>> On Sat 12 Jan 2008 10:09:52a, Dee.Dee told us...
>>> Wayne, everytime I pick up a bottle or tablet of Ecover I realize I
>>> never mentioned to you that I use Ecover for a lot of reasons, one is
>>> septic tank.
>>> The other product for use for laundry, dishwashers, cleaners, that is
>>> acceptable for septic tanks is Seventh Generation.
>>> Dee Dee

>> Thanks, Dee. Good to know, since we're on a new septic tank. I can't
>> remember if I asked you before, but do you ever use Rid-X in your
>> septic system?

> I've used RID-X if I use too much phosphate detergents (laundry or dish)
> or Clorox bleach too often but I rarely run the dishwasher and don't
> have a family's worth of laundry to do every week.
> I used to take my whites into town to Clorox bleach but they cheat on
> the hot water temp so it isn't as effective. 130+ When I'm not hot water
> bleaching laundry I keep my hot water heater at 120, when bleaching, I
> up it to 140! But I have the tank cleaned every two years anyway.
> It's easy to tell if your septic tank is working if the septic field
> grass grows faster than the rest of the yard grass.
> Andy

Our entire yard is coveredin decomposed granite. It doesn't grow. :-)

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Saturday, 01(I)/12(XII)/08(MMVIII)
Cats must eat all of mom's plants and
then barf them up while Mom is not home.