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Steve B
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Default sharpening Global knives...

A mystic has built up around Global knives being sharpened to a more
acute angle than other knives, but it is untrue. Globals are
sharpened at the factory with a standard bevel of about 22 degrees,
followed by a coarse belt to round off the bevel transition, finally by
a fine belt to strop the cutting edge. You can definitely tell they
were belts or soft wheels because of the convex edge shape.

Global steel is harder than most kitchen knives, but not as hard as a
good custom knife. It is not difficult to sharpen with normal methods.

I sharpen Globals with a wet wheel, then hone and strop with paper
wheels. My wife and customers say they are as sharp as when new.

Sharpening Made Easy: A Primer on Sharpening Knives and Other Edged
Tools by Steve Bottorff Copyright January 2002 Knife World Publications
E-mail: steve AT sharpeningmadeeasy DOT com