On Jan 12, 6:25 pm, Will > wrote:
> On Jan 11, 10:54 pm, viince > wrote:
> > I'm watching ya'all.
Ha, when I read Vince's post I thought BUT what if you have a mixer
that is nice to watch?
which is french review of pro choice in mixers - in which an advantage
of Artofex style "plunging arms" mixer is listed as
"Attractif lorsqu'il est placé à la vue de la clientèle (rappelle le
travail humain)"
i.e. Attractive when placed in the view of the clientèle (recalling
human action)
so, Vince, is this is a sufficient excuse to use mixer even if you
have 5 kilo or less dough to mix?
unfortunately for the rest of you although the original Swiss Artofex
company is still operating, and two Italian and one Spanish make
similar action mixers as far as I know no models that would get
through the door of a normal kitchen are in production any more. Mine
is a lab bench model, ph0, in Artofex nomenclature the 0 is normally a
numeral representing the number of kilos the model can handle x 10,
going up to ph30. Mine was supplied to the naval branch of "the
Government Chemist" in 1974 in Gosport UK at what was known in
mediaeval times as Weevil Yard, presumably for testing ship's biscuit
recipe - maybe some tough ingredients as one of my bowls is very worn.
anyway if any of you would like to keep an eye on Vince check
http://www.myplot.org/oven/vids/bandb.html and
Andy Forbes
as Vince knows I think, there is other reason for autolyse other than
just hydrating gluten (as he wrote I think), which is that if you have
some addition to dough (pre adding starter and salt) that adds extra
starch digesting enzymes i.e. amylases to a predominantly wheat dough,
either diastatic malt extract or rye flour, autolyse gives time for
the enzymes to go to work so laying out a sumptuous sugary banquet for
yeasts and LBs when they are added. But if autolyse is for this
purpose I suggest much longer than would be normal, maybe minimum 2
> Viince...
> Watch this...
> http://www.myplot.org/oven/
> Andy posts occasionally. Although this is a cob oven page there's a
> link to an extraordinary mixer. Look about 2/3 of the way down the
> page on the right.
> Will