Ping: Wayne - re septic tanks
On Sun 13 Jan 2008 04:29:51p, Janet Baraclough told us...
> The message 4>
> from Wayne Boatwright > contains these words:
>> On Sun 13 Jan 2008 12:05:26p, Janet Baraclough told us...
>> > The message >
>> > from "Dee.Dee" > contains these words:
>> >
>> >
>> >> Clorox recommends 3/4 cup to 1-1/4 cup. I rarely ever use more than
>> >> 1/4 cup, and wouldn't no matter what kind of tank I had.
>> >
>> > Is Chlorox just straight bleach? Or a detergent with bleach?
>> >
>> > Janet.
>> >
>> Just straight chlorine bleach.
> So is it common USA practice to use it for laundry?
> Janet
For white linens and clothes, yes. In a more diluted state, some people do
use it for light colors. The brand, Clorox, also makes a non-chlorine
bleach specifically for colored fabrics.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Sunday, 01(I)/13(XIII)/08(MMVIII)
To be happy living in this world,
there are sides of the soul one must
entirely paralyze.