On Jan 14, 12:00*pm, (Little Malice) wrote:
> One time on Usenet, Scott W > said:
> <snip>
> > What does bother me are people who try to be helpful but don't have a
> > clue about what they are talking about. *It seems that almost everyone
> > that finds out that I am on a limited protein diet suggest fish, I
> > guess some people don't believe fish is a meat. *Then there are the
> > people who suggest tofu, great sure it is not meat but it is full of
> > protein, which is after all what I am trying to avoid.
> Go he
> http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/
> They used to have a small program that allowed you to search without
> going through the site, but I can't find it now. Best of luck with
> your health issues, Scott...
I have used the above site and have downloading the stand alone app.
I'm also using
http://www.calorie-count.com which seems to have much
of the same info but the searching seems easier.
These kind of sources make life a lot easier for sure.