Hi all,
I recently ordered a Yama glass teapot from Northwest Glass Design as
a present (looks like a cross between a gaiwan and a kyuusu, with a
roomy metal mesh filter; 10oz)
It came (for a small fee) with a small quantity of Kapchorua green tea
from Kenya, which I found more information on he
"Unlike most other green teas Kapchorua does not steam its green
tea. After withering, the tea leaves are put through a CTC machine
(two opposing and compressing rollers with angled blades which
Cut, Tear & Curl the leaves). The cells in the leaves break down,
releasing the leafs fluids, and instantly fermentation
starts. The tea (it is a bright iridescent green mash at this
point) is then put into a fluid bed tea dryer. Approximately 2-3
minutes elapses from the time the tea leaves the CTC machine until
it is in the dryer. This brief time gives this tea its wonderful
body and flavor, yet retaining the green tea characteristics."
It smells absolutely delicious. I'm looking forward to trying it --
With luck, I've found a green tea my mother will like. *grin*