On 15 Jan, 00:42, viince > wrote:
> > Oh, by the way Atty, where do you get your would from living in the
> > middle of London? Clapham Common? Brockwell Park? Or is it transported
> > in on the back of a lorry?
> You can get wood from tree surgeons.
> The wood we get in my company is from some forest in Kent. It's these
> kind of forest where they keep trees growing while they cut the
> others, I don't know the name for this, renewable?
> BTW:
> Anybody realized the person who created this topic didn't reply, which
> means he probably didn't read any of the posts, which means everybody
> here is just wasting time
> I love this place!
Yeah or just an ungrateful get. Unfortunately I find that's the norm
wtih names you don't reccognise. Still who cares with a log on like
'raise the dead' he's probably kicked the mixing bucket.