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Default Ping: Wayne - re septic tanks

On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 15:22:59 -0000, "Ophelia" > wrote:

>Sheldon wrote:
>> rossr35 wrote:
>>> "Dee.Dee" wrote:
>>>> Only suggestion I have is: when you have time, research comments
>>>> about use of bleach products.
>>>> This may be an inacurrate observation on my part, but I seem to
>>>> recall that bleach will play havoc with the little beasties that
>>>> work on the deterioration of your waste.
>>>> Dee De
>>> Having lived in a home serviced by a septic system most of my life
>>> (I'm now 73), and wishing to avoid any problems, I have probably
>>> researched septic info more than the average person.
>>> With regard to septic systems, here's what the makers of Clorox have
>>> to say about using Clorox Regular for laundry. This is copied and
>>> pasted from the Dr. Laundry section of the Clorox web
>>> site. <Quote>
>>> The recommended amount of Clorox Regular-Bleach is 3/4 cup for
>>> regular
>>> loads or 1 1/4 cup for large/heavily soiled loads.
>>> As for the septic tank, you shouldn't worry about using the
>>> recommended amount of bleach. The active ingredient, sodium
>>> hypochlorite, is extremely reactive and nearly all is consumed in the
>>> wash and reverts to mostly salt and water. The small amount that may
>>> be un-reacted will encounter lots of organic soil in the drain pipes
>>> and be consumed long before it reaches the septic tank.
>>> <Unquote>
>>> Ross.

>> Just a little detail; one cannot "unquote"... makes one appear
>> uneducated ergo surplants one's credibility, especially when no
>> reference is given for the quote... the correct term is *end of
>> quote*.

>Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh get him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This from the English expert who
>uses 'youse'

I wouldn't waste my time O.
Being chastised by rfc's expert on literally everything is almost like
a badge of honour. Particularly when this expert's posts are rife with
errors in spelling, grammar, semantics, syntax, etc., etc., not to
mention they often contain incorrect information.
Using the short paragraph shown above as an example, rather than try
to use fancy words, I might say:
Just a little detail; there is no such word as surplants (sic) and
using such a non-word makes one appear uneducated and calls into
question one's credibility.
