Dang it!
"Kathi Jones" > wrote in message
> (big snip)
>>> I am not sure what a redneck is.
>> Originally referred to backwood farmers whose necks were red because they
>> always had their heads down while hoeing crops and the backs of ther
>> necks were sunburned.
>> Have you ever seen the American comedian Jeff Foxworthy, he does
>> "redneck" humor. Nowadays redneck infers that that person is backwards
>> and ignorant. Not always true though. HTH
>> George
> I love Jeff Foxworthy! His redneck jokes are so funny. I too, on
> occasion have fallen in to his category of a redneck. That is to say,
> there have been times that if I cut the grass...I'd find a car......
> Anyway......I work at the grocery store where I shop, now. I started
> working there in August and I'm still getting to know everyone - there are
> allot of people working there! The problem is, there is a store policy
> that says something like, if it's garbage, it's garbage. I work at the
> fast food counter where we have 4 pots of soup out during the lunch hour.
> If the soup doesn't sell, it goes in to the garbage. No if's, and's, or
> but's!!! This amazes me and I don't understand the policy. Like...why
> not let me take it home? or why not let the local soup kitchen/homeless
> shelter come and get it? I suppose there's a reason - health inspections
> or regulations or whatever...but I don't agree with it. There is an
> INCREDIBLE amount of waste in the grocery business - so much food that
> could be salvaged, but isn't. It's a shame. And thus, the prices go
> up..............
> So I'm still trying to get to know the meat and produce guys anyway, just
> in case we can work something out....
> Kathi
When I worked at the grocery, I started in the deli, which included premade
'hot' foods. The state regulated what could and could not be sold and we
had to be ServSafe (cleanliness, sanitation training, etc) trained. The
rationale behind the soup is that it cannot be served under 160 F degrees,
if while in the pot it drops below, it has to be tossed. If a pot of soup
sits out more than four hours on the warmer, again, it has to be tossed.
Supposedly botulism and other baddies would grow if kept out longer. Same
with the prepped chicken, fish patties, fries, weinies (all deep fried) and
pizza, four hours and it hits the can. The chicken could be pulled and
chilled and put out a refridgerated at the same price, though, I never could
figure that one out.....if you couldn't eat it four and half hours old hot,
how come you could eat it up to a day later chilled. If it went bad in
those four hours it was hot, it would still be bad when the same chicken was
sold chilled. It's a racket, but one that would get them sued if they did
any different.