Dang it!
Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> "Kathi Jones" > wrote in message
> ...
>> (big snip)
>>>> I am not sure what a redneck is.
>>> Originally referred to backwood farmers whose necks were red because they
>>> always had their heads down while hoeing crops and the backs of ther
>>> necks were sunburned.
>>> Have you ever seen the American comedian Jeff Foxworthy, he does
>>> "redneck" humor. Nowadays redneck infers that that person is backwards
>>> and ignorant. Not always true though. HTH
>>> George
>> I love Jeff Foxworthy! His redneck jokes are so funny. I too, on
>> occasion have fallen in to his category of a redneck. That is to say,
>> there have been times that if I cut the grass...I'd find a car......
>> Anyway......I work at the grocery store where I shop, now. I started
>> working there in August and I'm still getting to know everyone - there are
>> allot of people working there! The problem is, there is a store policy
>> that says something like, if it's garbage, it's garbage. I work at the
>> fast food counter where we have 4 pots of soup out during the lunch hour.
>> If the soup doesn't sell, it goes in to the garbage. No if's, and's, or
>> but's!!! This amazes me and I don't understand the policy. Like...why
>> not let me take it home? or why not let the local soup kitchen/homeless
>> shelter come and get it? I suppose there's a reason - health inspections
>> or regulations or whatever...but I don't agree with it. There is an
>> INCREDIBLE amount of waste in the grocery business - so much food that
>> could be salvaged, but isn't. It's a shame. And thus, the prices go
>> up..............
>> So I'm still trying to get to know the meat and produce guys anyway, just
>> in case we can work something out....
>> Kathi
> Kathi,
> When I worked at the grocery, I started in the deli, which included premade
> 'hot' foods. The state regulated what could and could not be sold and we
> had to be ServSafe (cleanliness, sanitation training, etc) trained. The
> rationale behind the soup is that it cannot be served under 160 F degrees,
> if while in the pot it drops below, it has to be tossed. If a pot of soup
> sits out more than four hours on the warmer, again, it has to be tossed.
> Supposedly botulism and other baddies would grow if kept out longer. Same
> with the prepped chicken, fish patties, fries, weinies (all deep fried) and
> pizza, four hours and it hits the can. The chicken could be pulled and
> chilled and put out a refridgerated at the same price, though, I never could
> figure that one out.....if you couldn't eat it four and half hours old hot,
> how come you could eat it up to a day later chilled. If it went bad in
> those four hours it was hot, it would still be bad when the same chicken was
> sold chilled. It's a racket, but one that would get them sued if they did
> any different.
> -ginny
And, IIRC, the rules change from state to state.