On 2008-01-15, Nigel > wrote:
> Kapchorua is a relatively small tea estate in Kericho area East of the
> Rift in Kenya. [snip]
Thanks for the information; that's quite interesting.
> The result so far is a rather harsh metallic cup lacking any sublety
> or aroma - perhaps Kapchorua has managed to succeed where others
> have so far failed? - I would be happy to hear of their success.
I just made a cup with 3g tea and 160F water.
It isn't overflowing with subtlety (sic), but the metallic flavors and
astringency are well enough contained that they merely lighten the cup
without overwhelming it. It's intriguing, and the flavor/sensation
lingers (30 minutes so far).
The liquor is a coppery brown; lighter than Assam CTC. Flavor-wise,
it's much better than US bag tea. It's lighter than Assam CTC in
flavor as well, with some echoes of Ceylon fannings or Keemun, and the
rawness/bitterness of some Darjeelings. All in all, I could drink
this fairly often (stomach permitting). Augment-wise, it's pleasant
by itself, but would probably stand up nicely to lemon and/or-sugar --
probably not milk-friendly, though, but de gustibus etc.
Antlers d'amour sound fantastic. Next purchase....